A Totally Free Dedicated Hosting Provider For Your FOSS Projects

Do you have an open source project that could benefit the community and need a dedicated server to develop it, but don’t have the financial conditions? Or do you know someone in these circumstances? Then apply to FOSSHOST, a high performance and totally free cloud web hosting service.

FOSSHOST is a non-profit organisation, founded in 2020 (Thomas Markey as its founder and current CEO), with the purpose of, once again, promoting and supporting Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) projects, providing Virtual Private Server (VPS) web hosting, DNS services, web storage, email and other associated services completely free of charge to everyone who has projects eligible to apply.

However, the success of this initiative quickly exceeded expectations, leading its organizers to suspend applications from time to time due to projects over-subscription and in order to maintain the quality of services provided to ongoing projects until FOSSHOST systems escalation.

FOSSHOST then lives on sponsors, among which are iomart.com, fasthosts.co.uk, webnx.com, fdcservers.net, serverius.net, jolt.co.uk, hostkey.com, fastly.com, osuosl.org and its donation page where anyone can contribute via PayPal, bank transfer or cryptocurrency wallet.

To get an idea of some of the incredible projects hosted on this platform here are some useful and interesting suggestions:

free dedicated hosting - celestia

Free Space Travel with Celestia

CELESTIA is an open source project started in 2001, a very interesting 3D space simulator, where you will be able to navigate through the Universe, not only on the Earth’s surface, but throughout the entire Solar System and far beyond, passing by more than 100,000 stars. Exponential zoom functionality lets you explore space across a huge range of scales. The position and movement of solar system objects is calculated accurately in real time at any rate desired.

When used as a planetarium, Celestia shows precise positions of solar system objects in the sky and all the detailed data information about any chosen object or position.

Furthermore, Celestia is expandable, you can easily install add-ons and add many other objects in addition to the planets, asteroids, moons, comets, galaxies, among many others that already come with the program and even allows you to create and add your own objects and galaxies.

There are multi language versions for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS and Android. 


free dedicated hosting - librespeed

Testing Internet Speed With LibreSpeed

LIBRESPEED is a simple application for measuring the bandwidth speed of your internet connection, with no Flash, no Java, no websockets, no distractions, no content, no advertising and under a simple and reduced data collection privacy policy.

You can even install this application on your website and thus provide an internet speed meter to your users, as long as you use an Apache dedicated server or have terminal access. Just access the LibreSpeed repository on GitHub and follow the instructions there or by using this support site – ubonlog.com.


free dedicated hosting - manjaro

Manjaro, a Powerfull and Free Operating System 

MANJARO is an open source operating system in development since 2011, as opposed to proprietary operating systems like Windows and Mac OS. It’s based on the Arch Linux OS which is surely the best known Linux system rolling-release distribution, already with 20 years of existence and development.

Manjaro is completely free, has no ads, no licenses or fees, respects users’ privacy and gives them full control over their hardware. It can be used for development, gaming, 3D, office or home and it can be installed on tablets, mobile devices, desktops and laptops.

Among its most attractive features are the fact of being a super light operating system in contrast to proprietary systems like Windows, it does not need drivers, its updating is continuous, without the need of new versions and sporadic packages, it has a vast set of open source applications for all purposes, from 2D graphic software, 3D software, photography software, image manipulation, creative software, web browsers, sound and video editors, players, messengers, emulators, virtual boxes, games and much more – applications that the user can add and remove to the system in a simple and quick way. Manjaro is also a secure by default operating system and easily installed.

Again, like all open source projects, Manjaro is subsidised by partners such as arvancloud.com, bytemark.co.uk and cdn77.com, in addition to its donation page available to anyone who wants to contribute.


You can also check all the other active projects on FOSSHOST in this list.

12 thoughts on “A Totally Free Dedicated Hosting Provider For Your FOSS Projects”

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