Old Feelings


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Old Feelings

Is a photo about of past memories associated with love and all the people we have loved in life. There are always dewdrops in memories, even the oldest ones, and they don’t have to be good or bad, they have all left learning, and it is this brand of learning that time will water if we know how to live in deep awareness.

Old Feelings was photographed with an Olympus camera – F6.3 ISO200 1/320S 150MM


All designs sold on this website are real digital products without any AI intervention. Files are directly downloadable so users can print or apply them as they wish. Since all works are intended for decoration, all files include a license for free use, users can adapt or change any files according to their aesthetic needs without prior notice. Users are just not allowed to resale, relicense, sub-license, or freely distribute any of these files under any circumstances – read more about it at Terms and Conditions.

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The download package includes jpg file extension – size 4500×3375; resolution 300 DPI. For any issues encountered, please contact.


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